Sculpture Gallery
Recently Mike has been experimenting with sculpture. When asked about his sculpture he stated: "The primary medium for my artistic endeavours has always been photography. I have always thought of myself as an artist that works within the confines of two dimensions. Sculpture has really challenged me to look at the world in a much different way. In photography deciding what should be included or excluded in the frame of the photograph is of primary concern for your composition. With sculpture you have to take into consideration how all the the pieces of the whole are interconnected. When these pieces are assembled the right way they combine to form a pleasing composition. Assembled in the wrong way and your sculpture is unable to stand upright."
This page documents Mike's progression in this three dimentional art form." He is pleased to highlight examples of his recent work.
Small Sculptures
Mike's first sculptures had a flat two dimensional quality to them, but as he explored this medium they took on a more kenetic quality that resembles a photograph of explosions or objects in motion. His latest sculptural works have taken on a more organic, naturalistic form. They often look like corals, animal skeletons or succlent plants depending on the viewer. Each of these sculptures is a unique one of a kind piece.

All of these small sculptures are available for sale. Email: to inquire about purchase
Environmental Art

In the summer of 2018 Mike was inspired to start creating environmental sculptural works. Environmental art is one of the oldest artforms known to humankind. It is simply art that is created outdoors to engage in a dialogue with nature. These environmental pieces are often like performances as they change shape and color over time. Mike's first project was called The Fading of Memory. For this work he took found pieces of stone and surronded them with crushed marble. The idea was that each stone monolith represented a memory. Like our memories each would change over time, becoming less clear. The clean white marble would become gray as it was covered with dirt and dust. Monoliths would fall vegetation would grow over the monothliths. they were destined to become a faded memory of what they once were, similar to the process that happens to our own memories over time.
Fading of memory 2018- viewed from the West

Detail of monolith- Fading of memory 2018

Fading of memory 2018- viewed from the East

Detail of monolith- Fading of Memory 2018
Mikes next environmental work- The Risen (2019) explored the intersection of natural versus artificial, life versus death. In this work he took dead tree branches found on site and arranged them in a naturalistic way, giving the dead branches new life. he then painted them with a metallic silver paint. Like a Frankenstein's monster the branches had a natural feel while looking completely artificial. This work brings to mind recent advances in genetic engineering. Are these advances benefiting human kind or are we opening a Pandora's box for ourselves and the planet.

The Risen- 2019 (view from the East)
The Risen (2019) view from the South
The Risen was on public display at The Riverside Gateway (the corner of Riverside Drive, 158th Street and Edward Morgan Pl)- Audubon Park Historical District, Washington Heights, NYC from 2019- 2021